Find the optimum path from manual to Digital OperationsRapid, cost-effective analysis of your mobility requirements by experts in Digital Operations and Enterprise Mobility. Find out more pathfinder

Access to over 15 years’ experience of Digitising Operations

Our Enterprise mobility professionals have many years’ experience of delivering global Digital Operations solutions across a range of industries.

Speed and efficiency of business analysis

The Spartan team guide the facilitation process and resulting document creation.  The PATHFINDER document and presentation output allows you to make a rapid go/no-go decision to proceed to the next stage. 

pathfinder speed

Comprehensive business process documentation

Your requirements are documented using industry standard models, such as Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) swim-lane diagrams, Unified Modelling Language (UML) Integration sequence diagrams.

The document pack is solution agnostic and can be used as the basis of a vendor evaluation process.

Let's talk

To chat about how we can help you move to digital operations, complete the short form below and one of our team will email or call you back today.

Please give us a call on +44 (0)141 559 7100 or send an email to