The Evolving Role of Rental Truck Drivers: Insights from Spartan Solutions’ Product Team


In an industry where safety, efficiency and customer satisfaction are paramount, a rental truck driver is critical to the success of a modern rental company.  And attracting and retaining good drivers is more important than ever in the current economic climate.  A recent survey suggests that over a quarter of drivers said easy-to-use technology for managing daily driver tasks was an influence in them taking (or keeping) a role. 

The Spartan Solutions product team has invested significant time and effort into understanding the challenges rental truck drivers face.  Through interviews and shadowing in the truck, we have learned what it really takes for a driver to do their work.  This article explores the key learnings from our time with the drivers and highlights the importance of driver-centric solutions in the rental industry. 

Driving is Only Part of the Job: 

Driving represents only a fraction of a rental truck driver’s responsibilities.  A substantial portion of a working day is dedicated to tasks outside the cab.  These professionals require extensive training and skills to ensure the safe loading and unloading of heavy equipment.  They must also meticulously capture photographic delivery and receipt evidence and accurately complete delivery notes.  Acting as the public face of the rental company, drivers interact with customers on-site, resolving queries and fostering a safe working environment.  This includes coordinating site access, addressing complaints, and building positive customer relationships. 

Safety First: 

The rental truck driver’s job involves inherent risks, demanding a deep commitment to safety.  Manoeuvring heavy machinery up slippery ramps during inclement weather requires skill and nerve.  Drivers rely heavily on the integrity of slings, shackles, and winches to facilitate the movement of equipment.  Furthermore, they must remain vigilant on the road to safely navigate low bridges, tree overhangs, and narrow roads.  Navigation poses a unique challenge for the rental industry since the truck’s dimensions change with each drop-off and pick-up, necessitating constant awareness and adaptability. 

‘Stuff Happens’: 

Even the most meticulously planned routes and schedules can be disrupted by unforeseen circumstances.  Rental truck drivers often encounter challenges such as burst tires, traffic congestion, or adverse weather conditions that can lead to delivery delays.  Maintaining open communication becomes crucial in an era when customers have become accustomed to real-time updates akin to Amazon deliveries.  Some delays are caused by customers, particularly when no one is present to receive the delivery.  In such cases, rental companies may institute a timer to charge for excessive delays.  Furthermore, customers may occasionally request additional equipment or modifications beyond the original agreement. 

Keep it Simple: 

Drivers want to focus on loading, unloading and safe navigation to and from the customer site.  Rental companies want the safe delivery of the right equipment to the customer every time.  The technology used by the driver must therefore be simple to use, flexible enough to respond when stuff happens and integrate with other specialist apps (e.g. truck navigation) to present a seamless driver experience on a single mobile device. 


Understanding the need for efficient operations and an enhanced driver experience, Spartan Solutions has developed the TouchPoint mobile app exclusively for rental truck drivers.  This innovative application simplifies tasks by incorporating driver feedback to create a seamless delivery and return workflow.  

The TouchPoint app streamlines loading, unloading, photograph and data capture and integrates with other specialised applications, such as truck navigation, to provide a unified experience on a single mobile device.  By addressing the unique challenges rental truck drivers face, this technology empowers them to deliver the right equipment safely and consistently to customer sites. 

TouchPoint will be launched to the UK and EU rental market in September 2023, and we will share more details then.