Track operational performance with PHALANX Business Intelligence. Find out more report data analysis screen

Take control of your operations

Moving from paper to PHALANX Digital Operations allows you to capture and store all operational data in a common data store.

The PHALANX Business Intelligence bridge automatically streams this data in real-time to your data centre.

You can combine this operational data with finance, sales and other information to report an accurate view of your business operations and drive efficiency and process improvements.

data analysis

Machine Learning ready

Standardising and centralising all operational data provides the foundation for a new generation of Machine Learning and advanced algorithmic applications. 

Predictive maintenance, equipment diagnostics, demand forecasting, resource utilisation and supply chain optimisation are just some of the potential benefits.

Open data standards

It’s your data, so we make it easy to use by streaming PHALANX operational data in industry recognised open standards.

Let's talk

To chat about how we can help you move to digital operations, complete the short form below and one of our team will email or call you back today.

Please give us a call on +44 (0)141 559 7100 or send an email to